Do you ever feel overwhelmed by it all? Are there ever those little doubts that creep into your mind? That little voice that throws out random questions about the direction in which you are walking? Was it meant to be this difficult to walk with God? If I'm doing what is right, what is just, should it be so darn hard to follow through sometimes? Are these thoughts and feelings normal or is my faith weak and on shakey ground? Am I wrong? Is all of this for naught?
Wow! That's a lot to think about, right? Just reading those questions can be somewhat exhausting by itself. Not to mention the questions that come flying at us from all directions. The work of our Lord is pretty tiring, indeed.
So, what are the answers? How do we go on? How are we sure our path is correct and true?
The answer could be made to be extremely complicated, but after all is said and done...after all of the various quotes that can be incited and various facts put out all comes down to one thing...the Apostles new this, as did all the devoted servants of Christ that followed word...
This is the one thing we must, always, hold onto. Especially in our darkest hours. When we feel so battered down that there seems no more strength left in us to continue, we must remember our faith. God never abandons us, regardless of how lost or separated we may feel from time-to-time. There are tests that come our way, but there are also challenges put to us by the evil one, as well. In the face of all these things, it is our faith that must carry us through.
Faith is the difference between having a moment of being tired and feeling weak and allowing that moment to infect you completely so that you actually give up. Faith is the difference between having a doubt about something and realizing a doubt is all it was and that you must continue onward. Faith is the difference between knowing that you tried and leaving the rest to prayer and allowing being beaten down on something to cause you to further stumble in your walk with God. It is faith that carries us through the dark times and also, the very thing that helps us to fully experience the joyous times.
As humans, we are prone to failure. We are prone to sin and temptation. We are vulnerable to seeds of doubt that are planted all around us. This constant attack is exhausting and to endure it, you must remain faithful. Giving up and/or giving in may give you temporary relief, but will only cause you deeper harm and angst later as you attempt to walk through the fires without the guidance and Grace of our Lord. Hold true to your faith and you will prevail. Not always in the way you think you should, but nonetheless, you will prevail in the eyes of God. That is the most important thing and it is imperative that we not forget it.
For example...if one starts to doubt whether or not abortion is truly against God because, after all, the Bible does not specifically "call out" abortion as sinful, then I recommend you think of it in these terms (as simple and cliche as it may sound to you, now):
If you were pregnant and went to Jesus to ask Him to allow you to have an abortion, what do you believe He would say to you? Do you believe He will ask you about the circumstances of the pregnancy? Do you think He'll want to know if you are ready for a child or if you're too young to be a mother? Or, do you think His thoughts will turn to the babe inside your womb and the life already growing from within?
I think if you review those words and consider Christ in that decision, you'll undoubtedly have the answer to your question. Christ will never condone murder - especially of an innocent child. Christ came to save us - God knew us even before we were born.
It's easy to get off track by the people who use manipulation of words and phrases to stir doubt amongst the faithful. Did you not think that satan had the ability and skill to seed doubt inside us? He is, after all, the most skilled liar ever to have existed. Why we don't acknowledge his immense powers over deception is confusing to me. We should be ever vigilant and expect his attacks at all turns. He will never rest - he waits, patiently, for his way in and is at the ready the moment we present it to him.
Yes, I realize it is tiring to walk with God. He expects quite a bit from us on a daily basis. It is not by faith alone that we will win, but it is our faith that will give us the strength to follow through on all that He asks of us. Strengthen your faith as much as you can and extend the Hands of Christ to all you encounter. Whether friend or foe, we are called to be compassionate and just. We must be forgiving, but also, prepared to shed light onto darkness wherever we come across it. Having faith and walking with Christ is something that people should be able to discern without our having to tell them about it. Our actions and strength of faith whether good times or bad should always point to Christ.
If you are weary, take comfort in the faithful that surround you. It is alright to acknowledge your weakness and ask for help. Prayer is amazing. Pray for God's strength and help. Pray He sends angels to help lift you up. Talk with your friends in Christ and ask for their prayers, too. Ask the saints to pray for you, also. Our community is enormous and we have endless resources available to us. Never give up hope and never be afraid to say...I need your help!
God will never abandon you. He is there with us, always.
Peace be with you.
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