So, we've all heard it...we've probably said it many times, too. "Let go and Let God." It's truly a simple concept and yet, all throughout the Bible, people never seem to quite get it. Right?
I mean, look at Moses even...God tells him to command the rock...NOT strike bring forth water and yet, what does he do? He strikes it with the staff. God made it pretty clear and simple...God spoke DIRECTLY to him and he still messed it it any surprise to us, then, that we mess up what God wants all the time?
It's a little humorous, but then again, it's not. We're a thick-headed bunch and God knew the moment that apple was bitten all of the strife we would endure from that point onward. He didn't stop loving us, but just as any parent gets to "that point" with their kids and decides that "tough love" is now needed...well...that's exactly what God decided with us. Since that time, we've continually had moments where you think (while reading the Bible stories), "Ah-ha! Now this guy finally gets it!" And then, we are reminded, not too much further into the story that, "Oh yeah, we're human! Well, poop!" And yet...AND YET...God still gives us chances, He constantly brings us opportunities for mercy, healing, love, courage and Grace.
Lately, in my Bible Study Course, I've been noticing a pattern in the stories. From Genesis through Judges, the stories vary, but the underlying message seems to always be the same..."Let go and Let God." Repeatedly, with all the tasks God assigns, with all the sacrifices He asks them to make, there is a constant message of Trust in obedient to your Lord God. Given the fact that these Books of the Bible were written by different persons at different times and to varying audiences, I am amazed at how easily it pieces certain messages together. Even all these years later, it's pretty clear what God is asking of us.
So, why don't we get it? Why are we still struggling with following the very simple outline God provided for us? Sadly...because we ARE human. God refuses to interfere with our free will and unfortunately, that means we are left to our own devices if not careful. What do I mean by "careful?" I'm glad you asked!
Many of us seem to be under the mistaken impression that as long as we are "good people" and believe in the Bible, well, we are good to go. No worries. I've often heard people say, "I know what is right. I'm a good judge of things, I don't need church to remind me." Really? Seriously?
True...simply "going to church" once a week isn't going to get it done. No, you have to be "going to church" in order to strengthen your relationship with God and have an honest desire for Him in your heart. You must be open to receiving His message and then, committed to living it out in your life outside the Church walls. If you're going only to pay it lip service, then, you're's not going to do a bit of good for you.
When we are called to attend weekly Mass (as well as on Holy Days of Obligation), it is not only for us to give praise and worship to our Lord God. True, that is part of it. Of course!!! However, there's so much MORE to it than that. Attending Mass is for US...for OUR souls...for OUR salvation. It keeps us connected to Him. Being faithful to the tenants of our faith is what keeps the very real presence of Christ in front of us at all times. And, if we keep Him present in our DAILY LIVES then we are much less likely to stray or faulter when temptation rears its ugly head.
Try to think about it in these terms: If you are an athlete, then you MUST workout on a regular schedule and adhere to the diet and exercise that keeps you in shape. This is what makes it possible for you to continue to rise up to your potential as an athlete. If you decide to just go every once in a while, like before a big game...well...what do you think will happen? Maybe you'll have a great workout and feel good about yourself, but what happens when it's time to play your game and you're called upon to be strong and withstand what your athletics demand? Will you be able to keep up? Will you be able to rise to the challenge? Will you be successful? Or...will you crumple to the ground as your body gives out because you simply lack the strength and ability to do what is called of you to do?
The same can be said for our faith lives: Attending Mass during the Easter and Christmas Holidays alone gives you a great feeling and makes you "feel" as though you've done something good. But, what happens the rest of the year? What happens to you when the world of relativism closes in on you? Will you have a clear understanding and direction on the right thing to do? Will your conscience be able to easily direct you through the land mines of life or will you stumble and fall because your conscience is clouded with doubt and persuasion of things that go against our won't realize it at times because you are not strong enough in your faith to understand the evil that is being asked of you in that moment.
It is imperative that we consider how we live our lives. God asks us to follow HIM. He knew all too well what we would face and He wants to prepare us for it. Building our relationship with God takes consistency and commitment. Prayer, reverance, attending Mass regularly and being the Hands of Christ to ALL we encounter are all things that will keep us connected with Him. Keeping our souls in shape is necessary to reaching our ultimate goal and that is to be with Him!
Be blessed, always.
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