1. The Catholic Church prevents Catholics from reading Scripture.We will take these points on one at a time to make it easier to follow. Some of these things are questions I had myself before converting. For those of you unaware, I was a Protestant my entire life until I came to be a Catholic, which was only a few years ago. I had many of the typical misconceptions and biases that were due, in large part, to the many "Cafeteria Catholics" I had encountered to that point in my life. It wasn't until I asked questions of educated persons...persons who actually follow the tenets as well as understand them that I began to I had been misled. Now, don't get me wrong, I realize that even with understanding the "why" of Catholicism, some people may never be able to make that jump. That is fine. It's ok to disagree with me. The only thing I ask is that a person be properly educated with the FACTS so that they actually know what it is they're disagreeing with. I think anyone would expect the same of any subject matter - religious or otherwise. Know the facts. It's common sense, really.
2. Catholics do not follow the Bible which is the ONLY source for Christian faith.
3. The Catholic Church's Teachings are contrary to the Bible.
1. The Catholic Church prevents Catholics from reading Scripture.
Ok. I have to admit that this is not one of the misconceptions I had prior to my conversion. In fact, the first time I heard this accusation was on my Facebook page, yesterday. I was perplexed as to how someone may have gotten that idea in their head. Mind you, he was not referring to Church history where the population was largely illiterate (which prompted the creation of stain glass windows to "show" the stories of the Bible for those who could not read). No, he was stating that now...today...the Church tries to prevent our study of Scripture. Hmmmm...
I can attest to you, as a devout Catholic, that I have NEVER been discouraged from learning Scripture...studying it...understanding it. In fact, it's quite the opposite. The Church highly encourages us to know and read the Bible. We have more Scripture read to us during our weekly Mass than you get in a Protestant service. Here is a simple breakdown of the prayer and Scripture we encounter during our Mass, just to give you an idea of the flow:
Songs of Worship
Reading from OT
Reading from NT
Reading of the Holy Gospel
More Prayer
That is just an overview of the specific instances of prayer and Scripture. It doesn't even include the Eucharist, intentions, etc. Our Mass is centered on Christ from the moment we enter the Church until we leave. Everything we do, we do to honor God and give thanks to His presence in our lives.
In addition to Mass, there is no end to all of the materials at our disposal and classes, too, if we want to learn more about Scripture. We are never denied an opportunity for Bible Studies, RCIA (classes for those who want to convert - which provides in-depth discussions and Scripturally based foundations for the Catholic faith). If it were true...if the Church wanted us to remain ignorant of Scripture, then wouldn't it have banned Bibles from being dispensed in the first place...long ago before the People were able to become more educated? I have always found communication to be quite open within the Church about questions and discussions. If it had not been so, I would not have converted as I did...as an adult.
2. Catholics do not follow the Bible which is the ONLY source for Christian faith.
3. The Catholic Church's Teachings are contrary to the Bible.
(Let's combine these two and answer them together as they can tie together quite easily.)
First, let's travel back in time a little way. It's important to understand the origins of the Bible. It was, in fact, a Catholic book. It was put together completely by Catholics (the only Christians at that time). Therefore, it's important that we acknowledge the fact that anyone has a Bible at all is due to the Catholics gathering all of the writings and placing them into one, complete book. It was the Church that scrutinized all the writings and through the guidance of the Holy Spirit divined what to place into it and what was false writing. Not an easy task and certainly not something that could have been accomplished without God's Divine Intervention at the time. A point could be made, here, that for anyone to quote the Bible and give it authority would be to recognize the authority of the Catholic Church that gave us said Bible. It's logical.
Some Scripture to reference when discussing "the Bible Alone" theory:It's important to note that "sola scriptura" (scripture alone) is not found in the Bible anywhere. First of all, the Bible even tells us that not everything Jesus said and did were written down, so we need to include oral tradition in our following of His Teachings. Even in II Peter, it is noted that Scripture can be very hard to interpret...we need an authoritative interpreter.
Matthew 16:13-20, 18:18, 28:19-20; Luke 10:16, John 14:16, 21:25; II Thess. 2:15, 3:6; I Cor. 11:2, I Peter 1:25 and II Peter 3:15-16
Do we not all recall that the Bible even tells us that to each person God bestows a different gift? All of those gifts are to be used for the purpose of God and that not all persons can receive the same types of gifts. Wouldn't it stand to reason, then, that interpreting God's Word is not a gift He has necessarily bestowed upon everyone? If He had...then, considering it came from God, then I argue that we would, in fact, have everyone interpreting the very same things. This, however, is not the case so it should call into question whether or not everyone should be just willy-nilly interpreting such Holy Words on their own without any guidance. It certainly should, at the very least, make you think.
Do not ignore, also, that since the case is the Catholic Church gave us the Bible. Then, it stands to reason that it cannot, therefore, contradict the Catholic faith. How is that even possible? Why would the Church, which came pre-Bible, put together something that would only discredit what they had been doing for 300 years by that time? Take away your religious thoughts on this for a moment and think about that in a logical manner. Does it make sense? If the Church was evil and trying to keep us from the Bible...keep us from God...keep us from following what Christ wanted...why would they comprise the Bible of anything to the contrary of what they wanted to have us believe? They didn't. The Bible is a further extension of our beliefs and Church guarantees the Bible. They walk hand-in-hand together, always.
My hope is that this clarifies some misconceptions about the beautiful and Christ-led faith that is Catholicism. I am not worried if someone decides they don't like my beliefs nor my faith. Disagreeing is something that happens. However, I ask that people please know what it is they're disagreeing with rather than simply taking someone's interpretations of our faith as the Truth. That can only lead to further misguided opinions. I once had opinions based upon false impressions and uninformed thinking, too. Perhaps what I've written will help further educate...perhaps it will give you pause. Whatever the case, I hope it will at least shed light onto some of the dark that is creeping around out there.
Peace be with you.
RE: My Blog...
One of Six...
Hello Christine,
I have addressed the FALSE BIBLE TEACHINGS and Deception and Duplicity of the Catholic Church.
YOU have NOT answered with "the Scriptures"... those Issues I have presented IN DIRECT OPPOSITION... by the Catholic Church...? Why..?
YOU especially have REFUSED to directly answer these Issues... Praying to Mary, Holy Water, Saints and the like... and then make FALSE Accusations about what I think about Women.
Remember what the Scritpures say...?
(1Timothy 2:13-14) For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
(1Tim 2:14) And Adam was not deceived, but the = WOMAN = being deceived was in the transgression.
(Romans 1:26-27-28) For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their = WOMEN = did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
(Rom 1:27) And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
(Rom 1:28) And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
WHO... first left the TRUTH of God... the Man or the Woman...?
Two more verses... seeing how you brought up the case for women...?
(Ezekiel 16:44) Behold, all who use proverbs shall use this proverb against you, saying, = As the mother, = so is her daughter.
(Jeremiah 3:20) Surely as a wife treacherously departs = from her husband, = so you have dealt treacherously with me, O house of Israel, says Jehovah.
I will pray for you that YOU may leave the Pagen Cathoic Church... and come to Christ Jesus on His Terms...!
(John 3:3) Jesus answered and said to him, Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
In Christ, Roger
Roger - I addressed the initial accusations YOU made about the Catholic faith. I presented actual facts about our beliefs. You have not. You have simply avoided what I have asked you to clarify or prove. Therefore, I refused to comment any further with you.
ReplyDeleteAs for the accusation about your thoughts on women, I have provided YOUR OWN QUOTES as proof. Not only on your own blog, but on my Facebook page. As a result, others have AGREED with my assertion and further backed up what I have pointed out in YOUR OWN WORDS. Again...YOU brought up "woman" in your own comment. If your own words being brought back up to you frustrate you, then perhaps you should consider things more carefully before posting them? Just my suggestion.
Accountability. I have repeated this to you, often. Your lack of it causes me to question your true motivations. You are unwilling to address things. You become more and more antagonistic with each reply. This is not "of Christ" and as I stated in my response on your blog, sir, I fear that something else may have you in its sights.
I pray you find peace. I pray that you review your words with a prayerful heart and realize that venom is never something that is "of God." Look to yourself before you determine to judge others, sir. Look to yourself.
"And the greatest of these is love."
Perhaps a reminder from an encounter with Jesus shall shed some more light...here is one that I hope will give you pause:
ReplyDelete"John said to him, "Teacher, we saw someone driving out demons in your name, and we tried to prevent him because he does not follow us."
Jesus replied, "Do not prevent him. There is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name who can at the same time speak ill of me.
For whoever is not against us is for us.
Anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, amen, I say to you, will surely not lose his reward."
Mark 9:38-41
I follow Christ and I do good in His Name. Could I do good, especially in His Name, if I were not following Him? Shall you be like his disciples who wrongly worried about someone using Christ to cast out evil, even though that person was not following their particular group at the time? Will you not also be rebuked by Christ in that case? Can you be so bold as to claim that you and you alone speaks for Christ here on Earth? Can you honestly claim to be the only person capable of determining who truly has Christ in their heart? This is the perception you are creating.
Again, you have potential to help others with Christ, but you must find a way to separate your personal Will from the Will of our Father. If He were leading you, I could not come against you so confidently as The Holy Spirit would have cautioned me against it.
I ask that you prayerfully reconsider your thoughts and recall that Christ calls us to Him and if we follow Him, then we should be extending our hands in love to one another.