Monday, February 1, 2010

I'm Religious...

So, I posted this title on a Facebook Group Page I belong to and got a lot of response. First, to come out and state that I'm religious was something to grab everyone's attention, indeed. Second, it was a way to start a discussion regarding the differences between what people claim to believe.

It's funny to me that the term "being religious" is something that can be used in a derrogatory or complimentary way alike. People who are uncomfortable with your faith life or views, will undoubetdly use this term as a way to cause offense. It's a way of stating that you are somehow "confused" or "less" when it comes to your opinions because, after all, you're religious.

There are also those who wear it as a badge of honor. I'M RELIGIOUS - they shout it from rooftops. But, are they missing the point? Being a very religious person myself, I often wonder about those who go out of their way to TELL YOU they are religious people. I mean, if you're religious...if you follow God, shouldn't we simply be able to tell that by your actions and the way in which you live your life? I would think so. Sadly, it's not always the case. Often, I find the most vocal "I'm religious" statement makers are the ones who tend to follow God by purifying themselves...trying to "save souls" quickly and daily and then, point their finger in judgment at anyone who disagrees, is lost or unwilling to hear them. That's where they lose me. We are called, as people of God, to love those especially with whom we love our enemy. Those are the people who need to SEE God the most. After all, didn't Jesus come to save the sinner?

My favorites, however, are the people who claim that they're "spiritual." To me - and many on that group wall posting I mentioned - that is simply a cop out. A way to continue doing things as THEY see fit and to refuse being held to any higher standards than their own. I mean, hey, it's great if you think you are of high character and good moral standing...fantastic...however, if you ARE NOT beholden to God, to Christ, then aren't your values and morals in your "spiritual life" subject to how you feel at that time? As life goes by, as you change and change your way of thinking, don't your morals also bend if not guided by something that is steady and unchanging? That's a risk you run.

Spirituality is a great way to get a "pass" on things that are uncomfortable or cause one to realize that there are definite Rights and Wrongs in this world. You can easily "cop out" of any situation by saying, "Hey, it's not my problem. They do what they want. I do what I want." There's no real commitment to anything except yourself. Which is all well and good until you have a bad day ... a bad day that causes you to react or respond in a way guided by your faith and values ... oh wait, your faith and values are in do you do now? If you are lost, how do you find your way if you are your own compass???

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